Pathzero for companies

Calculate and share corporate emissions


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Why disclose emissions?

Carbon management is an essential consideration for every modern business. Investors and business partners face increased pressure to accurately report their greenhouse gas emissions, which includes the emissions of their trading partners - businesses like yours. 

Whether it's to attract more capital, position your organisation as a preferred business partner, or uncover risks and opportunities for growth, calculating and sharing accurate carbon information is critical for business success.

Pathzero allows you to rapidly and accurately calculate your corporate emissions and securely share this information with your investors and business partners.

The Pathzero approach

From estimate to actual to action




Understand your carbon profile immediately with an emissions estimate.



Accurately calculate scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions.



Take informed action and share your success with investors and the market.

Start with an estimate

Start with an emissions snapshot
Start your carbon management journey with a rapidly generated estimate of your corporate emissions. Use this information as a starting point on your journey to net zero.

Identify carbon hotspots
Analyse your estimate to understand emissions sources, identify carbon ‘hotspots’, and take a risk-based approach to decarbonisation actions.

Understand how trading partners perceive you
Investors and trading partners increasingly use estimates to benchmark the carbon performance of investments. Pathzero's PCAF-aligned emissions estimate provides insight into how others view your operations.


Calculate actual emissions

Generate detailed carbon data
When you're ready to go beyond estimates, Pathzero's state-of-the-art calculation capability provides audit-grade carbon information across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Organise and maximise existing data
If you have already started calculating your carbon footprint, Pathzero can seamlessly ingest this information, providing you with a single source of truth. 

Report with confidence
Report relevant, comparable and trustworthy data and insights to investors and business partners. 

Take informed action

Set reduction targets
Use accurate carbon data to set carbon reduction targets aligned to global standards and collaborate with investors on shared goals.

Reduce emissions
Based on your data, Pathzero will suggest, document and track emissions reduction initiatives that will drive real change across your operations.

Communicate success
Track your progress against targets in real-time, not just at reporting time. Share details of your reduction initiatives and total emissions reductions with investors and the market


Carbon Neutral Certification

Pathzero provides everything you need to reach carbon neutral status, and our sustainability consultants can assist you with attaining third-party certification under the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Organisation Standard.

Pathzero is certified as a carbon neutral organisation.

Learn more

"We realised that becoming carbon neutral is actually only the first step of that journey. And there's a lot more to come, especially in emissions reductions and the initiatives that we have to put together as an organisation."


Nigel Freitas

Corporate emissions software

Pathzero Clarity 

Pathzero Clarity is an end-to-end carbon management platform that allows organisations to measure, reduce, offset and report their corporate carbon emissions.

Learn more

Built to align with leading calculation and reporting standards

  • PCAF
  • TCFD
  • SBT

Partner with our team of experts.


Verena Schubert
Principal Sustainability Consultant


Andrew Churchill
Senior Sustainability Consultant


Kelsey Richardson
Sustainability Consultant

Start your decarbonisation journey with data 

Request a consultation